Existing NFT Re-minting & Airdropping

Claim your re-issued NFTs and continue to participate in the Lympo ecosystem.

How to Claim Re-issued Lympo NFTs & Airdrops

Connect a wallet holding Lympo NFTs to the Lympo Airdrop Page and claim the newly issued NFTs and any airdrops you're eligible for.

We’ve taken a snapshot of the Lympo NFT holder wallets on 2022-07-08 at 13:00 UTC, and we’ll be airdropping the re-issued NFTs through the Lympo Airdrop page based on individual wallet NFT holdings when the snapshot was taken.

Do not trade Lympo assets until the new collection is issued - this way, you’ll make sure no assets of yours will be lost.

Airdrop of Lympo MedalsAirdrop of Utility Pool KeysAirdrop of SPORT TokensAirdrop of wETHAirdrop of Minting CardsAirdrop of Athlete NFTsAirdrop of Blockchain Heroes NFTsAirdrop of Exclusive NFTs

Last updated