Champion II Pool

All about the new and improved Champion II Staking Pool.

The Champion II Pool is the improved version of the Champion I pool available in the Lympo NFT Staking. The size of the pool is 2,024,772.25 $SPORT. The pool has a competitive fixed 65% APR.

To ensure a fair ecosystem, users must stake NFTs of different rarities. Meaning that 1 wallet will only be available to stake up to 11 high-rarity NFTs (GOAT, Legendary, or Epic), while the other 40 will have to be of a lower rarity (Rare, Uncommon, or Common). To keep staking fair for the whole ecosystem, only one GOAT card is allowed to be staked per staking pool.

The amount of $SPORT that can be staked is determined by the rarity of staked NFTs — higher rarity NFTs allow users to stake more $SPORT.

We've increased the maximum amount of $SPORT that can be staked per wallet, which now is —1,280,000.

The minimum amount of $SPORT required to stake is 500.

*In this example, if you would stake 15,000 $SPORT together with your NFTs, you would earn a 5,42% reward of the staked amount every 30 days (or 65% APR). That means after 30 days, you would have accumulated 813 $SPORT as a reward for participating in the Lympo NFT Staking ecosystem, and you would own 15,813 $SPORT in total. ​​

The Champion II Pool requires to stake NFTs for at least 72 hours. If NFTs are unstaked before that time, a fee of 1% will be applied.

With the launch of the Champion II pool, users will now be able to utilize Lympo Medals and Shoes in the Lympo NFT Staking platform to receive additional bonuses.

Learn more about special Lympo items here.

Last updated